Hot Garbage

« The result is a singularly successful, totally unsettling and disconcerting experience.



Publishing :

Gut Model is composed of Simon François, Léonard Thiébaut, Lucas Roger, and Paul Brynaert. In 2020, these four natives of Mons, who had been exiled from a culturally restricted city, found themselves in forced proximity in the capital of the country. From this cohabitation emerged about ten compositions, nostalgic of popular festivities and with emancipatory ambitions. The regained freedom led to the live period of the group, dedicated to adapting bedroom compositions for a tested audience. The release of a first demo on Jus de plaisir, a cassette compilation of Belgian bands made possible through the patronage of the label Dead Madam Records, allowed them to subsequently release a single "New Tattoo", a business card initiating the development of the live project.

After regaining their rest, they took the time to write a new album. For over two years, the members of Gut Model delved, with varying degrees of success, into the production of their latest work.

The recording took place in their rehearsal studio where they found a certain creative intimacy, without compromise. It was finally around the setting up of the B.U.N.K project and through the socializing capacities of such an ambitious project that the adventure with EXAG' Records materialized. As for influences, their universe is inspired as much by what is happening in their own corner as by obscure internet finds. Like many, they have listened to recent post-punk revival bands to the point of disgust.

Tour dates

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Her Wild Love